
Look at this... ;-)
Do you know this guy ???

News item: DUCI Specialist: Torbjoern Forsgren

In the latest Development Unit Core & IMS Specialist five questions
article series,  we hear from Torbjoern Forsgren.
November 2, 2009

Torbjoern Forsgren

1. Please explain your area of expertise.
Testing and trouble shooting in general and seeing faults where other people
overlook the faults.
Sometime it feels like I can smell where the faults are and I am a quick learner.

2. What are your intentions as a senior specialist?

I have not thought about that yet, it might relate to my key challenge below.

3. What do you see as your key challenges?

To get testers to be more destructive. Testing is a destructive business and
in comparison to design, where they are constructive and building the code.
Testing is all about tearing the software apart and finding the weak spots in it.
I say that "A test case executed that did not find a fault is a waste of time and

4. What is your background?
I have a Master of Science degree from "KTH Royal Institute of Technology"
in Stockholm.
I started at Ericsson 1991 for Wireline at TN in Stockholm.
I have worked with Function test, system test and some system design
for SUS-subsystem and later the ISDN-E in IUSAM.
After that I went to Aachen, Germany in 1997 for a 6 month project in
Mobile systems. For some reason I'm still in Germany.
In Germany I have done Function Test and System Test (I&V)
both GSM and UMTS in non layer and layer architecture Mobile system.
In 2007 I started to work with IMS when the IMS I&V department was formed
here at EDD.

5. Tell us something about yourself that we don't know and
couldn't guess.
I have a wife and a daughter that is 18 years old. I like sports (looking at) movies,
reading books and especially relaxing on a beach in a warm country somewhere
in the world.
I see myself as calm, patient and a good listener. As curiosity, I can say that it
happens now and then that my wife and I take the car in the morning, drives 250 km
to the coast (in Netherlands), stay on the beach the whole day and then drive the
250 km back to Aachen. That would have been an impossible idea when we lived
in Stockholm, but what can one do when you live in Aachen and the coast is far

Author: Magnus Lindahl

Postat av: Marianne

Aha vem har en kändisbrorsa...?

2009-11-12 @ 13:08:57

Postat av: Vindruvan

Jaaa, VEM har den lyckan att ha en brorsa som är kändis ?

Han är åtminstonde kändis på HELA företaget nu...hihihi...som om de inte redan vet vem "apan" är....Alla känner apan...apan känner ingen..fniss !!

2009-11-12 @ 14:23:20

Postat av: Cattis

hahaah det är MIN pappa!!! nu blir jag ganska stolt faktiskt ;) :D :-*

2009-11-12 @ 17:14:38

Postat av: Vindruvan

För er som inte har fattat vad den här artikeln var för något.....så vill jag bara förtydliga det hela med att säga :

Tobbe är nu utsedd att vara "proffs på provplattan", det du Mari....nu är det till och officiellt...fast det har ju du och jag vetat läääääääänge.....fniss!!!

2009-11-13 @ 09:02:27

Skriv gärna något !

Vad kallas du för ?
Vill du vara ihågkommen ?

Lämna gärna din E-postadress ! (Jag håller den hemlig)

Har du en Blogg ?

Här kan du skriva vad du tycker och tänker !

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